Vivian Swanson Looper

Vivian Looper in the Robe of Achievement, 2005


Vivan Swanson Looper was born and raised in the mid west and raised 3 children. She’s very friendly and well liked by everyone she comes into contact with. She spent time with people who are alone and in need of a friend. She was wonderfully creative and had a special way with children. She organized children’s church, and prepared activities and crafts to go with the Bible stories. She was a Sabbath School Superintendent, and taught many Sabbath School classes. She directed and taught at Vacation Bible School and neighborhood Bible Clubs. She was a Youth Fellowship Director, and cook and co-director for Year End Youth Retreats. She cooked and worked in several SDB summer camps. She also received training for and taught Precept Bible Studies for women.

She was an inspiration to many and a good example for others to follow. She always seemed to remember the elderly and ill at Christmas and other holidays, delivering baskets of goodies and necessities. She spread love and cheer wherever she went and yet stayed in the background taking little to no credit, all the while encouraging others to help. She was always looking for an opportunity to help someone and if someone had a problem she was there to talk and pray with them encouraging them to have faith, with God in control, giving hope for a better tomorrow.

Vivian was extremely supportive and encouraging young people and adults. She served as president of the honor roll for St. Marys college for several years. She offered a helping hand wherever she saw need and was often early to set up and stayed late to see that things were cleaned up and put away for special events and activities.  She was active in Ladies Aid wherever she lived and acted on opportunities to witness for her Lord and Savior.

She cooked meals for the Missionary Society when the met and did many things to help keep the Missionary Office running smoothly. She was a cook and organized preparation of the meals for SCSC training for the Women’s Board for many, many years. She was a positive influence for the SCSC trainees, with her good Christian example. Along with preparing meals with secret ingredients for the SCSCers she also taught them proper etiquette for dining and life, lessons that served them well in SCSC and beyond. She always encouraged the SCSCers to ‘be a detective.’